All Ethereum opcodes are represented however the opcodes in bold are altered from Ethereum. A short description is on the right hand side but a longer one is denoted below.
The original source of the below chart comes from the Ethereum docs.
Stack | Name | Gas | Initial Stack | Resulting Stack | Mem / Storage | Notes |
00 | STOP | 0 | alt execution | |||
01 | ADD | 3 | a, b | a + b | (u)int256 addition modulo 2**256 | |
02 | MUL | 5 | a, b | a * b | (u)int256 multiplication modulo 2**256 | |
03 | SUB | 3 | a, b | a - b | (u)int256 addition modulo 2**256 | |
04 | DIV | 5 | a, b | a // b | uint256 division | |
05 | SDIV | 5 | a, b | a // b | int256 division | |
06 | MOD | 5 | a, b | a % b | uint256 modulus | |
07 | SMOD | 5 | a, b | a % b | int256 modulus | |
08 | ADDMOD | 8 | a, b, N | (a + b) % N | (u)int256 addition modulo N | |
09 | MULMOD | 8 | a, b, N | (a * b) % N | (u)int256 multiplication modulo N | |
0A | EXP | A1 | a, b | a ** b | uint256 exponentiation modulo 2**256 | |
0B | SIGNEXTEND | 5 | b, x | SIGNEXTEND(x, b) | sign extend x from (b+1) bytes to 32 bytes | |
0C-0F | invalid | |||||
10 | LT | 3 | a, b | a < b | uint256 less-than | |
11 | GT | 3 | a, b | a > b | uint256 greater-than | |
12 | SLT | 3 | a, b | a < b | int256 less-than | |
13 | SGT | 3 | a, b | a > b | int256 greater-than | |
14 | EQ | 3 | a, b | a == b | (u)int256 equality | |
15 | ISZERO | 3 | a | a == 0 | (u)int256 iszero | |
16 | AND | 3 | a, b | a && b | bitwise AND | |
17 | OR | 3 | a, b | `a \ | \ | b` |
18 | XOR | 3 | a, b | a ^ b | bitwise XOR | |
19 | NOT | 3 | a | ~a | bitwise NOT | |
1A | BYTE | 3 | i, x | (x >> (248 - i * 8)) && 0xFF | i th byte of (u)int256 x , from the left | |
1B | SHL | 3 | shift, val | val << shift | shift left | |
1C | SHR | 3 | shift, val | val >> shift | logical shift right | |
1D | SAR | 3 | shift, val | val >> shift | arithmetic shift right | |
1E-1F | invalid | |||||
20 | SHA3 | A2 | ost, len | keccak256(mem[ost:ost+len-1]) | keccak256 | |
21-2F | invalid | |||||
30 | ADDRESS | 2 | . | address(this) | address of executing contract | |
31 | BALANCE | A5 | addr | addr.balance | balance, in wei | |
32 | ORIGIN | 2 | . | tx.origin | address that originated the tx | |
33 | CALLER | 2 | . | msg.sender | address of msg sender | |
34 | CALLVALUE | 2 | . | msg.value | msg value, in wei | |
35 | CALLDATALOAD | 3 | idx | msg.data[idx:idx+32] | read word from msg data at index idx | |
36 | CALLDATASIZE | 2 | . | len(msg.data) | length of msg data, in bytes | |
37 | CALLDATACOPY | A3 | dstOst, ost, len | . | mem[dstOst:dstOst+len-1] := msg.data[ost:ost+len-1] | copy msg data |
38 | CODESIZE | 2 | . | len(this.code) | length of executing contract's code, in bytes | |
39 | CODECOPY | A3 | dstOst, ost, len | . | mem[dstOst:dstOst+len-1] := this.code[ost:ost+len-1] | copy executing contract's bytecode |
3A | GASPRICE | 2 | . | tx.gasprice | gas price of tx, in wei per unit gas ** | |
3B | EXTCODESIZE | A5 | addr | len(addr.code) | size of code at addr, in bytes | |
3C | EXTCODECOPY | A4 | addr, dstOst, ost, len | . | mem[dstOst:dstOst+len-1] := addr.code[ost:ost+len-1] | copy code from addr |
3D | RETURNDATASIZE | 2 | . | size | size of returned data from last external call, in bytes | |
3E | RETURNDATACOPY | A3 | dstOst, ost, len | . | mem[dstOst:dstOst+len-1] := returndata[ost:ost+len-1] | copy returned data from last external call |
3F | EXTCODEHASH | A5 | addr | hash | hash = addr.exists ? keccak256(addr.code) : 0 | |
40 | BLOCKHASH | 20 | blockNum | blockHash(blockNum) | hash = sha256(0x0, chain_id, evm_account_id, block_height) | |
41 | COINBASE | 2 | . | block.coinbase | return 0x0 | |
42 | TIMESTAMP | 2 | . | block.timestamp | timestamp of current block | |
43 | NUMBER | 2 | . | block.number | number of current block | |
44 | DIFFICULTY | 2 | . | block.difficulty | returns 0 | |
45 | GASLIMIT | 2 | . | block.gaslimit | (30000000) 0x1c9c380 | |
46 | CHAINID | 2 | . | chain_id | push current chain id onto stack | |
47 | SELFBALANCE | 5 | . | address(this).balance | balance of executing contract, in wei | |
48 | BASEFEE | 2 | . | block.basefee | base fee of current block | |
49-4F | invalid | |||||
50 | POP | 2 | _anon | . | remove item from top of stack and discard it | |
51 | MLOAD | 3* | ost | mem[ost:ost+32] | read word from memory at offset ost | |
52 | MSTORE | 3* | ost, val | . | mem[ost:ost+32] := val | write a word to memory |
53 | MSTORE8 | 3* | ost, val | . | mem[ost] := val && 0xFF | write a single byte to memory |
54 | SLOAD | A6 | key | storage[key] | read word from storage | |
55 | SSTORE | A7 | key, val | . | storage[key] := val | write word to storage |
56 | JUMP | 8 | dst | . | $pc := dst mark that pc is only assigned if dst is a valid jumpdest | |
57 | JUMPI | 10 | dst, condition | . | $pc := condition ? dst : $pc + 1 | |
58 | PC | 2 | . | $pc | program counter | |
59 | MSIZE | 2 | . | len(mem) | size of memory in current execution context, in bytes | |
5A | GAS | 2 | . | gasRemaining | ||
5B | JUMPDEST | 1 | mark valid jump destination | a valid jump destination for example a jump destination not inside the push data | ||
5C-5F | invalid | |||||
60 | PUSH1 | 3 | . | uint8 | push 1-byte value onto stack | |
61 | PUSH2 | 3 | . | uint16 | push 2-byte value onto stack | |
62 | PUSH3 | 3 | . | uint24 | push 3-byte value onto stack | |
63 | PUSH4 | 3 | . | uint32 | push 4-byte value onto stack | |
64 | PUSH5 | 3 | . | uint40 | push 5-byte value onto stack | |
65 | PUSH6 | 3 | . | uint48 | push 6-byte value onto stack | |
66 | PUSH7 | 3 | . | uint56 | push 7-byte value onto stack | |
67 | PUSH8 | 3 | . | uint64 | push 8-byte value onto stack | |
68 | PUSH9 | 3 | . | uint72 | push 9-byte value onto stack | |
69 | PUSH10 | 3 | . | uint80 | push 10-byte value onto stack | |
6A | PUSH11 | 3 | . | uint88 | push 11-byte value onto stack | |
6B | PUSH12 | 3 | . | uint96 | push 12-byte value onto stack | |
6C | PUSH13 | 3 | . | uint104 | push 13-byte value onto stack | |
6D | PUSH14 | 3 | . | uint112 | push 14-byte value onto stack | |
6E | PUSH15 | 3 | . | uint120 | push 15-byte value onto stack | |
6F | PUSH16 | 3 | . | uint128 | push 16-byte value onto stack | |
70 | PUSH17 | 3 | . | uint136 | push 17-byte value onto stack | |
71 | PUSH18 | 3 | . | uint144 | push 18-byte value onto stack | |
72 | PUSH19 | 3 | . | uint152 | push 19-byte value onto stack | |
73 | PUSH20 | 3 | . | uint160 | push 20-byte value onto stack | |
74 | PUSH21 | 3 | . | uint168 | push 21-byte value onto stack | |
75 | PUSH22 | 3 | . | uint176 | push 22-byte value onto stack | |
76 | PUSH23 | 3 | . | uint184 | push 23-byte value onto stack | |
77 | PUSH24 | 3 | . | uint192 | push 24-byte value onto stack | |
78 | PUSH25 | 3 | . | uint200 | push 25-byte value onto stack | |
79 | PUSH26 | 3 | . | uint208 | push 26-byte value onto stack | |
7A | PUSH27 | 3 | . | uint216 | push 27-byte value onto stack | |
7B | PUSH28 | 3 | . | uint224 | push 28-byte value onto stack | |
7C | PUSH29 | 3 | . | uint232 | push 29-byte value onto stack | |
7D | PUSH30 | 3 | . | uint240 | push 30-byte value onto stack | |
7E | PUSH31 | 3 | . | uint248 | push 31-byte value onto stack | |
7F | PUSH32 | 3 | . | uint256 | push 32-byte value onto stack | |
80 | DUP1 | 3 | a | a, a | clone 1st value on stack | |
81 | DUP2 | 3 | _, a | a, _, a | clone 2nd value on stack | |
82 | DUP3 | 3 | _, _, a | a, _, _, a | clone 3rd value on stack | |
83 | DUP4 | 3 | _, _, _, a | a, _, _, _, a | clone 4th value on stack | |
84 | DUP5 | 3 | ..., a | a, ..., a | clone 5th value on stack | |
85 | DUP6 | 3 | ..., a | a, ..., a | clone 6th value on stack | |
86 | DUP7 | 3 | ..., a | a, ..., a | clone 7th value on stack | |
87 | DUP8 | 3 | ..., a | a, ..., a | clone 8th value on stack | |
88 | DUP9 | 3 | ..., a | a, ..., a | clone 9th value on stack | |
89 | DUP10 | 3 | ..., a | a, ..., a | clone 10th value on stack | |
8A | DUP11 | 3 | ..., a | a, ..., a | clone 11th value on stack | |
8B | DUP12 | 3 | ..., a | a, ..., a | clone 12th value on stack | |
8C | DUP13 | 3 | ..., a | a, ..., a | clone 13th value on stack | |
8D | DUP14 | 3 | ..., a | a, ..., a | clone 14th value on stack | |
8E | DUP15 | 3 | ..., a | a, ..., a | clone 15th value on stack | |
8F | DUP16 | 3 | ..., a | a, ..., a | clone 16th value on stack | |
90 | SWAP1 | 3 | a, b | b, a | ||
91 | SWAP2 | 3 | a, _, b | b, _, a | ||
92 | SWAP3 | 3 | a, _, _, b | b, _, _, a | ||
93 | SWAP4 | 3 | a, _, _, _, b | b, _, _, _, a | ||
94 | SWAP5 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
95 | SWAP6 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
96 | SWAP7 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
97 | SWAP8 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
98 | SWAP9 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
99 | SWAP10 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
9A | SWAP11 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
9B | SWAP12 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
9C | SWAP13 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
9D | SWAP14 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
9E | SWAP15 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
9F | SWAP16 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
A0 | LOG0 | A8 | ost, len | . | LOG0(memory[ost:ost+len-1]) | |
A1 | LOG1 | A8 | ost, len, topic0 | . | LOG1(memory[ost:ost+len-1], topic0) | |
A2 | LOG2 | A8 | ost, len, topic0, topic1 | . | LOG1(memory[ost:ost+len-1], topic0, topic1) | |
A3 | LOG3 | A8 | ost, len, topic0, topic1, topic2 | . | LOG1(memory[ost:ost+len-1], topic0, topic1, topic2) | |
A4 | LOG4 | A8 | ost, len, topic0, topic1, topic2, topic3 | . | LOG1(memory[ost:ost+len-1], topic0, topic1, topic2, topic3) | |
A5-EF | invalid | |||||
F0 | CREATE | A9 | val, ost, len | addr | addr = keccak256(rlp([address(this), this.nonce])) | |
F1 | CALL | AA | gas, addr, val, argOst, argLen, retOst, retLen | success | mem[retOst:retOst+retLen-1] := returndata | |
F2 | CALLCODE | AA | gas, addr, val, argOst, argLen, retOst, retLen | success | mem[retOst:retOst+retLen-1] = returndata | same as DELEGATECALL, but does not propagate original msg.sender and msg.value |
F3 | RETURN | 0* | ost, len | . | return mem[ost:ost+len-1] | |
F4 | DELEGATECALL | AA | gas, addr, argOst, argLen, retOst, retLen | success | mem[retOst:retOst+retLen-1] := returndata | |
F5 | CREATE2 | A9 | val, ost, len, salt | addr | addr = keccak256(0xff ++ address(this) ++ salt ++ keccak256(mem[ost:ost+len-1]))[12:] | |
F6-F9 | invalid | |||||
FA | STATICCALL | AA | gas, addr, argOst, argLen, retOst, retLen | success | mem[retOst:retOst+retLen-1] := returndata | |
FB-FC | invalid | |||||
FD | REVERT | 0* | ost, len | . | revert(mem[ost:ost+len-1]) | |
FE | INVALID | AF | designated invalid opcode - EIP-141 | |||
FF | SELFDESTRUCT | AB | addr | . | destroy contract and sends all funds to addr |
This opcode currently does not return a real block hash and there currently are no plans to do so due to limitations. However, it does respect the logic that a non-zero value is returned for the most recent 256 blocks (not including the current block). For all other inputs, it returns zero. The non-zero value that is returned is computed based on the block height and properties of the Bitfinity Engine contract (chain ID and account ID).
Concretely, the value returned is:
BLOCKHASH(h: u64) = sha256( 0x00 || chain_id || account_id || h )
where ||
is byte concatenation, and it is assumed h
(a 64-bit number) is converted to bytes in
big endian encoding.
The leading zero byte in the concatenation is a version byte which may change if a new blockhash
scheme is introduced in the future.
The chain_id
depends on the network the Bitfinity Engine contract is deployed to (
see networks table).
The account_id
is the name of the Internet Computer account where the contract is deployed (see the Engine ID
column in the networks table).
This opcode will always return 0x0
This opcode always returns zero as there is no difficulty in Internet Computer or Bitfinity.
This opcode returns the block gas limit which has been set for Bitfinity, this value can change anytime. 0x1c9c380 (30000000).